The PAINT JOB.... aka the Chemical Peel  

"The Chemical peel can remove decades of skin damage like stripping layers of paint from an old wall"


Some people have asked me, "What is the difference between Microdermabrasion and Chemical Peels, what is better? "My answer is: I prefer Chemical Peels because although Microderabrasion is a mechanical removal of dead skin cells, its messy with the crystal method and both the crystal and the diamond tip method simply aren't as effective as Chemical peels are.  You get a more superficial affect with Microderabrasion and it needs to be repeated more often than peels. So i've decided to only offer Chemical peels in 3 strengths to suit everyones needs as explained below.

I only use Rhonda Allison and Dermalogia products!! All natural and made in America! 

The Chemical Peel is a specialized enzyme and acid solutions that is natural and derived from ingredients such as fruits, plants and milk acids, they are applied to the skin to remove damaged layers of cells from the skin's outer surface, revealing silky smooth, glowing and more even toned and textured skin.  Chemical Peels are one of the most powerful non-surgical skin improvements available. Treatments vary in intensity and your skin type, level of imperfections, texture and elasticity will determine which peel is best for you, To give you the desired results.


There are 3 levels of Chemical Peels offered:

All Chemical Peel treatments include a facial to optimize treatment results

Progressive peels-most common, mild, only removes the stratum corneum (outer layer of skin) repeating treatments will cause mild sloughing with increased effects. This treatment is designed to show immediate brightening results and is a perfect treatment to do before an event, wedding, reunion or job interview.

$150 approx 60minutes

A series of 3 to 6 treatments 2-3 weeks apart 

 Mid-Depth peels- these peels effect the intra-epidermal layer with exfoliation occurring within 2 to 3 days of application. very little down time, you will slightly peel or flake, like after a sunburn


This is designed to be a monthly peel 

 Deep peels-these peels affect the deepest intra-epidermal layers. considerable peeling,rather than flaking typically 3 to 4 after application , the skin can temporarily become brown and crusty , entire process  requires 7-10 days of peeling.


designed to administer 3 to 6 weeks apart *not recommended to do more than 3 to 4 a year.

Results- restore and renew skin with most dramatic results

Most common skin conditions who would benefit from Chemical Peels are:

Aging skin-wrinkles and fine lines become smoother and skin becomes more subtle and soft, stimulates cell renewal and regeneration of collagen.

Acneic skin- helps dry oil glands,clear blemishes,large pores and uneven skin texture 

hyper pigmentation- sun damaged or sunspots, helps brighten and even skin tones and texture

Rosacea-helps calm skin irritation and evens skin tone 

normal/oily or dry skin- benefit by exfoliating the dead skin cells and promoting cellular turnover and new collagen production 


**Some common misnomers answered:

**Peeling does NOT leave scarring! redness is normal with more intense peels when undergoing treatment .The longterm effects of such peels are healthier smoother skin.

**One peel is all you need-FALSE the truth is, typically several applications must be administered over several months or years, depending on skin damage. We can answer those questions in a consultation.

Important information regarding Chemical Peels-

***After you have had at least one facial, your peel needs can be determined from your skin reaction and assessment and a specific peel will be customized to your skin care needs. A test patch is given 48 hours prior. 

***Peels cannot be done if you are using Retin-A or taking Accutane or within the week of any injectable procedure like Botox or juvederm. 

Any pre-paid package of 3 or more will receive a 15% discount